19th September 2024

Search Hinton Parish Council

Serving the people of Hinton

History of the ship 'Vindicatrix'

Her history was researched in depth and fully by Roy Dereham MBE, the Life President of the TSVA (see the book 'Vindicatrix' prior to

founding the Association. For the first time, we have the true and

accurate story of her life, and have been able to lay to rest all those

yarns we were told whist training, and which became accepted as

gospel over the years.

Vindicatrix was British built, and sailed under the Red Ensign for the first 17 years of her life; sold to a German firm, she became a hulk

and then an accommodation ship for U-boat officers. After WW1,

she as repossessed and given to the Shipping Federation;

She sat in London docks, until she became a training ship for boys

in 1939 at Sharpness.


Last updated: Tue, 11 Oct 2022 15:39