19th September 2024

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Our request for a pause in the Local Plan process has been approved

Government Planning Inspectors have agreed to Stroud District Council's request for a short pause in the Local Plan process, which protects communities and the environment.

To ensure development happens in the most appropriate way, the Council asked in August for more time to address Planning Inspectors' concerns.

This week the Inspectors agreed to a 10 month pause in the examination of the Local Plan. This will allow time for SDC to address Inspectors' concerns around capacity of junctions 12 and 14 of the M5, public transport solutions at the proposed Sharpness new settlement, and the cost of a new pedestrian and cycle bridge over the M5 for the planned new settlement at Wisloe, between Cam and Slimbridge.

The council will now work through an Inspector-approved Joint Action Plan with its partners to find solutions for seven months, which will be followed by a public consultation later this year.

The Local Plan maps out where major developments will be built during the next 20 years. The Council must ensure there is sufficient supply of land for housing and employment. If no plan is in place, the Council has less control over where development takes place. With much of the east of the district being part of the Cotswold Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and the west floodplain, options for new development are limited.

"Having a Local Plan in place is incredibly important for the district and I am grateful to the Inspectors for agreeing to our request," said Council Leader Catherine Braun. "There has been extensive public consultation during the past four years and there will be another chance for the public to have their say later this year.

"We will work with the relevant parties to achieve a sound Local Plan, to ensure that we can control the location of housing, extent of economic growth and strengthen and adopt environmental protection."

SDC Environment Committee Chair Chloe Turner added: "We will work collaboratively with partners to resolve capacity issues of the M5 at Junction 12 and Junction 14 – we can't do this alone because we are not responsible for the strategic road network."

The Stroud District Council draft Local Plan was submitted for examination to the Secretary of State in October 2021. Two Inspectors were appointed to examine the plan. Hearing sessions commenced in March 2023 and were paused in June 2023 to allow a summer break. The majority of the hearing sessions have already been held and have covered all site allocations and most of the policies set out in the draft Local Plan.

During the summer break, the Inspectors wrote to the Council on 4th August 2023 setting out concerns with three areas of soundness. The first issue was regarding the capacity of M5 Junctions 12 and 14. The second was specific issues with a pedestrian and cycle bridge over the motorway on grounds of viability and deliverability at Wisloe. The final issue identified was provision of a passenger train service and bespoke Mobility as a Service transport scheme (MaaS) and concerns relating to the viability and deliverability of these schemes at Sharpness.

However, in the same correspondence the Inspectors were also clear that, 'whilst we have a number of other soundness concerns with the Plan, we are confident that it is likely that these could be addressed by main modifications'.

The Inspectors have now written to the Council confirming, 'in light of the information now received, we can confirm that we agree to pause the Examination for the works to be undertaken. As requested in SDC's most recent letter the pause will be for a duration of ten months. This comprises seven months to complete the work set out in the Joint Action Plan (JAP), as dated November 2023, and three months to undertake a period of public consultation. The pause shall begin on the date of this letter. The Examination shall therefore resume on 5 December 2024.'

More information: https://www.stroud.gov.uk/environment/planning-and-building-control/planning-strategy/stroud-district-local-plan-review

Planning Application for 300 houses to be heard at Development Control Committee

The planning application for the 300 houses at sharpness Docks will be heard at Development Control Committee on Tuesday 12th September at Ebley Mill 6pm.

I would encourage as many people to attend and if you wish to speak on this, you will need to contact Stroud District Council directly.

Many thanks.


Short pause needed in Local Plan process to protect Stroud District's communities and environment

Stroud District Council has requested a short pause in the Local Plan process which maps out development in the district for the next 20 years.

The Council needs more time to address Planning Inspectors' concerns, and ensure development happens in the most appropriate way.

Government Planning Inspectors wrote to Stroud District Council during the summer break in the examination of the draft Local Plan.

Their main concern is the capacity of the M5 Motorway at Junction 12 and Junction 14 to support new development. This is not an issue that can be resolved by the Council alone as other partners are responsible for the strategic road network, but it is an issue that will affect all partners and which the Council is keen to work collaboratively to resolve.

The two other issues raised by the Inspectors concern the viability of the public transport solutions at the proposed Sharpness new settlement, and the cost of a new pedestrian and cycle bridge over the M5 to facilitate the planned new settlement at Wisloe, between Cam and Slimbridge. A short pause in the examination would give time for the Council to work with the site promoters and partners to find solutions.

Their letter suggests that they do not have significant concerns with most of the Plan's policies and proposed new housing and development allocations.

However, the Inspectors have suggested that it may be appropriate for the Council to withdraw the draft Local Plan and for the current Examination in Public process to come to an end.

The Council is asking for a short pause in the statutory examination process to allow

time to address those concerns with partners.

The Council has responded to the Inspectors today (29th August), requesting that the Examination in Public is paused for a period of six months, to allow time for the Council to address and find solutions to their concerns before allowing the Examination to continue.

The Inspectors will now consider the Council's response before deciding on whether to stop or pause their examination of the draft Stroud District Local Plan.

Stroud District Council Leader Cllr Catherine Braun said: "It is very important to all of us who live and work in Stroud district that we have a Local Plan in place so that we can control where new housing and development takes place. Our draft local plan has taken four years to prepare and been through extensive consultation with residents and businesses, parish and town councils in the district.

"If we don't have a Local Plan to meet central Government-imposed housing targets then planning applications in unsuitable locations, and without the community infrastructure that's needed will end up getting approved on appeal."

Chair of SDC Environment Committee Cllr Chloe Turner said:

"I'm pleased that the Planning Inspectors do not have any issues with the majority of our draft Local Plan. It is therefore very surprising and disappointing that they are suggesting we withdraw the Plan. The Inspectors have highlighted that some of the proposed new housing will generate traffic affecting junctions 12 and 14 of the M5.

"However, we have identified how an increase in traffic can be addressed in our response to the inspectors and we're prepared to work further with local stakeholders to provide additional evidence and other options to help us get this plan over the line. With a six month pause in the timetable for the plan examination, I'm hopeful that we can address the Planning Inspectors' concerns."

Copies of the Inspector's letter and the Council's response can be seen at:


Last updated: Tue, 13 Feb 2024 09:55